Contact Second Chances 24/7 512-675-6845

Austin’s Best Upscale Sober Living

Recovery for your body, mind and spirit in the heart of Austin

Our Mission

To save lives by building confidence, hope and a vision for the future. We provide a safe, clean home and the right tools to live life on life’s terms.

Our Values

Whole-person, no-holds-barred recovery

At the core of Second Chances Recovery Homes is the person in recovery. Addiction treatment can become a machine of programs and procedures. It sometimes loses sight of the heart-and-soul human being all the 12-Step meetings, therapies and medications are supposed to help. Second Chances emphasizes a personalized, whole-person approach to healing that keeps the beautifully complex person seeking escape from addiction front and center and engaged in his or her personal recovery journey.

Made Well – Not Just “Better”

Sick people go to the doctor to get well, not just to get “a little better”. Those who struggle with addiction have often given up on the idea of mind-body-soul wellness. Many have given up on ever getting “back to normal,” never mind living to their potential. At Second Chances, we don’t believe anyone has to settle for “a little better.” Through courage, faith, and hard work, it’s possible for each resident to become his or her best self. We’re here to set the bar at “well” and help you reach it.

Real-Life Readiness

The ability to deal with real life on life’s terms is built by decisions made every day. Recovery is a process. A sober lifestyle isn’t built in a day any more than Rome was. We believe small actions like consistently making your bed and setting regular, achievable goals translate over time into big results like making money, establishing a career, and caring well for your family and community. The goal of the coaching provided in the safe, supportive environment of Second Chances Recovery Homes is to equip our residents so well that they can have the worst day of their lives and still say no to the drink or the drug fix for the sake of something better.

Our Vision

To see 10,000 in lasting recovery and 1,000 cured of hepatitis C . And to NOT do it alone.

The journey to wholeness doesn’t end when the drugs and drink are left behind. The root of the word recovery is the French recovrer, which means “to come back” or “to return”, and “to get again.” Someone who has recovered from an addiction has “returned” to the person they were meant to be, the person once lost under layers of fear, shame and dysfunction. What that person “gets again” is a purpose in life beyond chasing after his or her own selfish desires. For most, that purpose involves helping other addicts along the road to wholeness.

Goals worth achieving are always bigger than the person – or program – that dreams them up. To touch the lives of 10,000 and drive down the numbers of hepatitis C sufferers, Second Chances will need an army of supporters and former residents ready to “pay forward” the hope and help they themselves have received. 

We can’t do this alone. We don’t believe we’ll have to. Let us begin investing in you today so that you can invest in someone else tomorrow. Together, we can fight addiction – and win.

Our Commitment

We will get to know you because you are worth knowing. Every part of your story, from the gutter to the glorious, matters to us. We honor where you’ve been and look expectantly forward to where you’re going.

We will earn your trust through our consistency, honesty, and transparency about our own lives and our own journeys. Please, be “be real” with us, in turn.

We will walk alongside you. Through the pains of withdrawal and regret. Through the hard business of forgiving. Through the tears of lost relationships and the joy of restored ones. Through the despair of rock bottom and into the renewal of hope. This road is all about “wholeness with help.” Let us help.

We will equip you with the tools to stay sober. We’ve got a lot of proven tools at our disposal, and we welcome you to rummage through our “toolbox”. Everything is on the table. Let’s get to work.

We will be a home, a second family, a community rooting for you to succeed.


Because everyone deserves a second chance.

Our Founder

Jeff Lewis

Many years ago, Jeff and his family invited a woman into their home who was in recovery. Her circumstances were dire, and she needed a stable living environment. What ensued created Second Chances – a recovery living environment for not just one individual, but for scores of men & women to receive healing from the past and build healthy, new lives. Now, Jeff has been helping men, women & families regain their lives for more than five years. His approachable nature and steady leadership helps others find stability in a season of intense transformation.

Get into a home today. Call 512-675-6845.

Contact us to book your space in our sober living homes for men or women.

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