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Sober Living for Men in Austin

Find Real Support. Get Strong. You CAN Be Substance-free.
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Addressing the Needs & Concerns of Men

Addiction is no respecter of persons in the sense that people from all walks of life and from either gender can fall victim to it. But research has shown that there are differences in men’s and women’s experiences with substance abuse that can be relevant to treatment. Sober living in our Second Chances Men’s House means an environment just for men where residents are free to have real conversations about the issues and concerns important to them with other men and experienced staff who can provide understanding and support. 

Why Men-Only Sober Living?

It’s hard to be a man in recovery. Studies have shown that men in general are more likely to abuse illicit substances and have higher rates of alcohol use. In the case of alcohol, this disparity may be explained by the fact that men’s brains release more dopamine in response to drinking than women’s brains do. It seems that male brains feel the positive effects of alcohol more powerfully. 

Then there’s the cultural link between male identity and substance use. The phrase “drink like a man” is proof of how easily ideas about masculinity can get tangled up in how well he can handle his drugs and alcohol. From wrong ideas of what manliness looks like to a greater tendency to deny the need for treatment or the existence of mental health issues, men face unique obstacles on the road to recovery. A sober home just for men allows men to do the work of taking down those roadblocks without the distractions they’d deal with at home or in a mixed gender setting. 

The Highlights: Second Chances Sober Living for Men

  • Open Arms. Second Chances accepts men with just one day of sobriety, as long as they are committed to pursuing recovery. 
  • Tough love. Our men’s house managers are battle-hardened when it comes to addiction. They understand the strong pull an addict feels to use; they recognize the kind of self-talk that sends an addict spiraling downwards; they know what it takes to fight and win against what sometimes feels like impossible odds. Honest, yet compassionate, our staff help Second Chances men find their footing again.
  • Real conversations. Wrong notions about what it means to be a man can keep a person from full recovery. Our men’s house is a place where honest, soul-searching conversations can happen. Topics like sex, self-worth, and masculinity can be discussed freely in a way that allows for greater self-acceptance. Connecting with other men in authentic ways provides strength and courage for recovery work.
  • Rx support. Medications, which can be another source of danger for the recovering addict, are distributed as needed so that residents are supported in using these medications for their benefit, as a doctor has prescribed.
  • Our Three-Phase Program. Our Three Phase Program balances support with freedom, allowing our residents to build the confidence they need to do life on their own again. Clear phase objectives, or goals, empower our men to work toward measurable achievements. Our phase rewards help to motivate when the “why bother?” slump makes doing life and recovery work hard. 
  • Supportive community. Shared household duties. Organized outings by other residents and staff. In-house dinners and meetings. You never have to do life alone at Second Chances. 
  • Structure, structure, structure. Sober living is meant to be the bridge between intensive addiction treatment and real-life independence. Our house rules, our phases program, and other accountability tools help support our residents until they can stand strong on their own.


Are you or a loved one in need of a women’s recovery home?

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